Twice a year VORTEILE – THE BRICK MAGAZINE presents the best projects of the Award for Brick Architecture, putting on display architecture within the competition categories detached house/semi-detached house, residential building/apartment complex, office and commercial buildings and public buildings, recreation and sport.
The current issue is dedicated to the residential buildings of the Erich Mendelsohn Award 2023 for Brick Architecture. The next issue will present the best office and commercial buildings and will be published in late 2025/early 2026.

Magazine overview
The essence of every architecture award is the award ceremony as well as the public and media reverence. This is also true for the Award for Brick Architecture. As with the building material itself there is a difference though: the appreciation of slightly more substance. Therefore every winner and every awarded or noteworthy project of the triennial competition is portrayed in detail, professionally and photographically documented in high quality in our brick magazine. Have a look!
Please kindly note: All issues are published only in German.