

The Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten (BDA) has been a partner of the Erich Mendelsohn Award for Brick Architecture since 2011. As the largest association of freelance architects, the BDA gives the Erich Mendelsohn Prize substance and communicative weight. Traditionally, the president of the BDA participates in the jury of the Erich Mendelsohn Award for Brick Architecture.


Without Bauwelt, the Erich Mendelsohn Award would not be what it is today. From the very beginning, the magazine has supported the Bauen mit Backstein initiative in developing the content and sustainable communication of the prize. The long-standing partnership is reflected, among other things, in the jury participation: For many years, former deputy editor-in-chief Kaye Geipel filled Bauwelt's permanent seat. Currently, Ulrich Brinkmann is on the jury for Bauwelt.


The Swiss magazine for home culture, design and architecture is a long-standing cooperation partner of the Erich Mendelsohn Award for Brick Architecture. Atrium is a strong partner especially for the presentation of pioneering single-family house architecture towards the style-conscious urban readership.


As a partner of the Erich Mendelsohn Award for Brick Architecture, the architecture magazine Baumeister supports in particular the Newcomer Award, which is now being presented for the fourth time. The traditional German trade journal for architecture, planning, building construction, sustainable building, urban planning and design is a qualified as well as credible partner for the promotion of the young generation of architects.


When it comes to modern architecture and design, there's no getting around Häuser magazine. For four decades, the magazine has been showcasing architects' homes at the highest level and has itself been the sponsor of an architecture prize for single-family homes since 2004. We are therefore delighted to be able to count on this connoisseur of the architecture scene as a partner for the Erich Mendelsohn Award.


As the only German monthly architectural journal, wettbewerbe aktuell(wa) deals exclusively with the subject of architectural competitions and tenders. With this special view of architecture, wa is a professionally valuable partner for the Erich Mendelsohn Award for Brick Architecture.


The BundesBauBlatt is the only trade journal published by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety. The magazine provides the real estate and housing industry with comprehensive information on urban development, construction technology and case law. A partner with such a range of topics is an asset to the Erich Mendelsohn Award for Brick Architecture.


The professional exchange between architects on the subject of brick is one aim of the Erich Mendelsohn Award – and a general concern of the deutsche bauzeitung (db). With its more than 150-year history, the db is an unparalleled authority in the field of architecture, engineering and design. Compared to this, the partnership with the young Erich Mendelsohn Award may appear brief but is a real enrichment.

die architekt

The critically analyzing trade journal of the BDA (Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten) sheds light not only on architecture and urban planning but also on the social sciences, art and cultural studies. Thanks to the thematic focus of each issue, bridging the gap to practice is effortless.  The Erich Mendelsohn Award for Brick Architecture also benefits from this – and has since 2011.


The Deutsche Bauzeitschrift is an established medium for architects and structural engineers. It is precisely the explicit practical relevance of the architectural journal that makes the DBZ a valuable partner for the Erich Mendelsohn Award for Brick Architecture. We look forward to a well-founded and relevant exchange.


The international magazine for architecture and construction detail will be a partner for the second time in 2023. Each issue will highlight a special construction topic – including, of course, the building material brick. The shared claim to make technically precise and architecturally innovative solutions accessible to the interested public also connects DETAIL with the Erich Mendelsohn Award for Brick Architecture.


The Bundesstiftung Baukultur (Federal Foundation for Building Culture) campaigns for the interests of building culture and brings relevant topics relating to the built environment to the attention of the general public. Of course, the building material brick must not be missing from this. We are pleased about this substantial cooperation.

Arquitectura Viva

The Madrid-based publishing house of the magazines AV Monografías, Arquitectura Viva and AV Proyectos was founded in 1985, 1988 and 2004 respectively, their main objective is the diffusion of architecture as cultural expression; the first with a monographic format, the second through different sections and from a journalistic perspective, and the third one from the perspective of the project. Sister publications, different and complementary, they have become essential references in the national and international panorama.

Bundesverband Architekturfotografie BVAF e.V.

The Bundesverband Architekturfotografie BVAF e.V. is an association of professional photographers. They are all united by their specialization and particular focus on architectural photography. The BVAF is a professional association with about 120 members from all over Germany. Their common goal is to promote the reputation of architectural photography and to raise awareness of the value of professional photography. The high-quality photographs of the projects are an important part of the Erich Mendelsohn Award for Brick Architecture. The close cooperation with the BVAF, especially with regard to the copyright declaration, is an asset for the prize.