Submit and benefit
Participating architects profit in many ways
Architecture awards are a dime a dozen. But not many have built up such a strong reputation over the years as the Erich Mendelsohn Award for Brick Architecture. The aim of the award is to present the diverse possibilities of building with brick to a broad public. In addition to the prize money and a trophy, the best projects ultimately receive the professional recognition of a broad professional public. But even those who do not make it to the top of the podium can use the competition to attract attention and enhance their reputation.
Everybody Is a winner
Your project in the press
Whether it’s an outstanding project for a demanding architecture magazine or a single-family home for a high-circulation house building journal – all categories within the competition are relevant in terms of media coverage. This also incudes projects, that did not make it to a nomination or received an award. Take the chance and get your work known!

Your chance as a student or young professional
Getting more and more popular: the Newcomer Award. No surprise as it offers young architects or students the opportunity to present their work to a broad public. There is nothing to lose – the submission is free of charge. So feel free to submit your project! Your courage will be rewarded for sure!
In GOOD company
The popular architecture magazine VORTEILE, published by the Initiative Bauen mit Backstein, is at the heart of the media activities of the Award for Brick Architecture. Twice a year, the best submissions in each category are presented here in a high-quality print and online edition. The brick magazine is published in a print run of 100,000 copies and is included in selected architecture magazines such as Baumeister, Bauwelt, BundesBauBlatt, DBZ, db, wettbewerbe aktuell and die architekt.

Your visit at the award ceremony
Each submission entitles you to attend the award ceremony. Whether you are among the selected, nominated or even the winners – don’t miss this event. Take advantage of the presence of the assembled professionals, establish contacts with media representatives and colleagues. Enjoy the atmosphere and have a nice evening.
Joint Work show
Your projects in the touring exhibition
An exhibition touring all over Germany documents projects that are nominated for the Fritz Höger Award for Brick Architecture: An impressive selection of international brick architecture is presented in detail on more than 50 large-format information charts. The exhibition is available for interested institutions and universities.

INtroduce your OFFice
Your presentation on
Already during the online submission you will have the possibility to present your office to interested clients and investors on Your office profile, which is automatically generated by your registration data, can be shown within the tab “Architects”. Of course this service is for free.
Benefits money can’t buy
Your media package as a winner
Winners in each category benefit from an exclusive media package, whose value in terms of press contacts is difficult to offset.
Winners receive an exclusive media package containing:
- Certificate and trophy
- Winner’s package (for display on the product and in communication)
- Press release including visual material
- Extensive press publications (print, digital, moving image)
- Presence in the digital channels of the Initiative Bauen mit Backstein
Those who miss out on an award also benefit:
- Inclusion in the database
- Inclusion in the press distribution list