The best brick buildings. Every three years the Award for Brick Architecture honors outstanding architectural achievements that make use of the traditional and innovative building material.

The question of what is important in housing construction today is based on a wide range of requirements: it must offer living space that makes people feel good, make sense in terms of urban planning, often take place under strict monument protection requirements and take appropriate account of the ecological dimension. Based on the best projects awarded and nominated for the Erich Mendelsohn Award 2023 for Brick Architecture, the current issue of the brick magazine takes a closer look at the topic of residential construction.
Architecture awards are a dime a dozen. But not many have built up such a strong reputation over the years as the Erich Mendelsohn Award for Brick Architecture. The aim of the award is to present the diverse possibilities of building with brick to a broad public. In addition to the prize money and a trophy, the best projects ultimately receive the professional recognition of a broad professional public. But even those who do not make it to the top of the podium can use the competition to attract attention and enhance their reputation.

Is there a better mouthpiece in the direction of those who create challenging architecture every day? The Bund Deutscher Architekten(BDA) has supported the Brick Architecture Award since 2011, and the cooperation with the BDA gives the competition substance, foundation and expression. The president is traditionally a member of the jury. The BDA's various channels also give the competition communicative weight. Collaborations like this are built for the future.