Fritz Höger
Award 2020
For Brick
The submission phase for the “Fritz Höger Award 2020 for Brick Architecture” started on 2 December 2019 and still runs until May 29th 2020. The internationally renowned architecture prize is being presented for the fifth time by the Bauen mit Backstein Initiative, and is once again supported by the Association of German Architects (BDA).

No other award for brick receives as much international attention as the Fritz Höger Award for Brick Architecture. A total of 568 projects from around the world competed in 2020. The 48 Winners have once again led the impressive proof that brick really does make great things possible in building. See for yourself!
The winners of the Fritz Höger Award 2020 have been announced. Our congratulations go to the award-winning participants. We would like to express our sincere thanks for the personal insights into the architect's offices with their teams and the impressions of the festivities

The Jury has voted!
The winners of this years Fritz Höger Award for Brick Architecture have been decided! On the 15th and 16th of September the judging panels scanned almost 600 projects and identified the best submissions of the competition. We’ll keep you posted, who convinced the judges.
About the Fritz Höger Award 2020 for Brick Architecture
The Brick Building Initiative awards the Fritz Höger Award for Brick Architecture to architects and planners who make use of the traditional building material of brick’s potential in a future-focused manner. The competition is looking for properties with building shells that exhibit impressive brick architecture and create tangible added value – either in economic, ecological, design or functional terms. All of the information required to enter the competition can be found on the competition website.
At its fifth outing, the Fritz Höger Award for Brick Architecture is still a young award, but one which has a wide reach, counting more than 600 national and international submissions last time it was held. This already makes it one of the biggest and most relevant German and European architecture prizes ever.
The high number of submissions again expected in this round, as well as the extensive organisation of the judges’ activities, mean that the entry fee has had to be increased to Euro 189. Anyone wishing to make a submission by mid of February can benefit from the cheaper early-bird tariff of Euro 139. Newcomers are completely exempt from the fee.
The Fritz Höger Award 2020 for Brick Architecture, which comes with Euro 10,000 in prize money, is awarded for the following categories:
- Detached house/semi-detached house
- Residential building/apartment complex
- Office and commercial buildings
- Public buildings, recreation and sport
Prizes are also awarded in the following categories:
- Energy efficiency
- Renovation/sustainability
- Young talent/newcomer

Projects that have a brick façade and which were completed after 1 January 2015 can be submitted. Projects that were previously submitted for the 2017 Fritz Höger Award may be resubmitted, provided were completed after 1 January 2015 and were not nominated for the 2017 Fritz Höger Award.
Architects and planners can submit their entry documents online at The closing date for entries is 30 April 2020. The awards ceremony will be held in the autumn of 2020 in Berlin.
The Fritz Höger Award for Brick Architecture:
The Fritz Höger Award for Brick Architecture was launched in 2008 and honours outstanding accomplishments involving construction with a particular building material. It is awarded every three years and has been supported by its partner, the Association of German Architects (BDA), since 2011.
Interested architects who wish to be automatically informed about the latest news on the Fritz Höger Award 2020 for Brick Architecture can subscribe to the “Backstein-Newsletter” (“Brick Newsletter”), free of charge. The competition’s Facebook page also offers up-to-date insights:
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