Fritz-Höger-Preis 2020 | News Newcomer-Award 2020

The winners 2020!

Now it's official: the best brick projects have made it from the shortlist to the podium of the Fritz Höger Award 2020 for Brick Architecture. This year not only bronze awards were a novelty: For the first time two projects were awarded the Grand Prix. Both the Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts in Lausanne by Barozzi / Veiga and the Nakasone House detached property in Mexico City by the architect Escobedo Soliz completely convinced the judges and were accordingly honoured with the highest award.

Trophy Fritz Höger Award 2020 for Brick Architecture

Special feature 2020
"In order to show the full range of what brick offers as a material today, the jury is nominating two projects for the Grand Prix: On the one hand a very European "sophistication" of the material of brick, perhaps the most sophisticated one can imagine to achieve. On the other hand – much simpler, but no less sophisticated – a project in Mexico, that reinterprets simplicity using local materials. Both winners demonstrate extraordinary and surprising ways to compose architecture by using bricks."

– jury statement

Winner Grand Prix, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne/Schweiz
Winner Grand Prix, Nakasone House, Mexiko-Stadt/Mexiko
Winner Gold, ‚Brickfields‘ Business Centre, Hoxton/Großbritannien

Winner bronze

Felgendreher Olfs Köchling Architekten GmbH, Berlin
Project: Johann Jacobs Haus, Bremen



behet bondzio lin architekten, Münster
Projekt: Neubau Verwaltungsgebäude Textilverband in Münster, Münster

Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven, Rotterdam
Projekt: Firestation Wilrijk, Antwerpen

LRO Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart
Project: Unternehmenszentrale für den dm-drogerie markt in Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe


Winner Gold, Civic Center 1015, Barcelona/Spanien

Winner bronze

unparelld'arquitectes, Olot
Project: Can Sau. Emergency Scenery, Olot



Vector Architects, Beijing
Project: Changjiang Art Museum, Taiyuan

Peter Krebs Büro für Architektur, Karlsruhe
Project: Petrus-Jakobus-Kirchenzentrum, Karlsruhe

Enzmann Fischer & Büro Konstrukt, Luzern
Project: Hochschule Luzern - Musik, Kriens

Label architecture, Brussels
Project: Ursulinen, Mechelen

Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven, Rotterdam
Project: Extention and renovation of Museum de Lakenhal, Leiden

TRANS architectuur | stedenbouw & V+, Gent
Project: Leietheater Deinze, Gent


Winner Gold, Couldrey House, Seven Hills/Australien

special mention

Tillmann Wagner Architekten BDA, Berlin
Project: Sediment-Loft Marienwerder, Marienwerder


Winner Gold, Wohnhochhaus SINGERSTRASSE 33, Berlin

winner bronze

bodensteiner fest Architekten BDA Stadtplaner PartGmbB, Munich
Project: Casa Rossa Chemnitz, Chemnitz



Baur & Latsch Architekten, Munich
Project: Wohnen am Verna-Park, Rüsselsheim

tectône, Paris
Project: Zellige, Nantes

EschSintzel Architekten, Zurich
Project: Wohn- und Geschäftshäuser "Gleistribüne", Zurich

AlirezaMashhadimirzaArchitects, Tehran
Project: A house with a green neighbourhood, Tehran


Winner Gold, Wohnhaus Schiffahrter Damm, Münster
Winner Gold, Gebäudeintegriertes Dachgewächshaus und Verwaltungsgebäude am Altmarkt in Oberhausen
Newcomer Winner Gold, Fabrik für Keramik in der Oberhavel, Velten

winner bronze

Pascal Schettki / Andreas Mischke, Weimar
Project: WERKSTADT - Alte Textilfabrik Berga, Berga



Pascal Richter, Saarbrücken
Project: Autobahnkapelle bei Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern

Emely Arnold, Darmstadt
Project: Refugium - Ein Rückzugsort in der Natur, Löpten/Klein Köris

Julius Jacobi, Mainz
Project: Like A Maggie's Centre, Mainz

Simona Capaul, Zürich
Project: Das Backstein-Quartier ,Barrio Rojo‘, Berlin