The Newcomer Award
New ideas coming from young minds – that constitutes the Newcomer Award of the Fritz Höger Award for Brick Architecture. Students, graduates and young architects are invited to become part of the international competition by submitting their concepts, ideas and projects related to brick. Find all the important information about the submission procedure here.
You study architecture or did study it max. four years ago? Brick is more than just clay to you? It’s more of a building material that enables you to realize your ambitious ideas and concepts exactly as you imagined them? Then we offer you a forum, where you can present these concepts and projects and win along with it one of the most important brick architecture awards. Because where else you got over 600 international submissions? Anything concerning brick architecture is possible to submit. An idea, a plan, a concept is sufficient, if it is strong. Just keep in mind that your application shows the importance of brick in the overall context of your project.
We got your attention? Get inspired by previous newcomer projects → Brick Buildings (chose Kategorie: Newcomer) and submit your own project or concept online – free of charge of course! The next submission process for the Fritz Höger Award 2023 will start soon.
If you have any questions about the application or the award, contact us personally via +49 251 979 17 640 or via mail at