Escobedo Soliz
Das Studio Escobedo Soliz wurde 2016 in Mexiko-Stadt von den Studienkollegen Pavel Escobedo und Andres Soliz gegründet. Ihre Arbeit basiert auf einer kontinuierlichen Erforschung von Materialien, Strukturen und Konstruktionen, um für jede Situation die besten Lösungen zu finden. Diese intensiven und konkreten Erfahrungen spiegeln sich in ihren Werken wider. Die Besonderheiten jedes Projekts bestimmen den Design- und Konstruktionsansatz. Die Architektursprache orientiert sich stets an einer sinnvollen Auseinandersetzung und Interpretation der spezifischen Merkmale: Lage, Anforderung, humanmaterielle Ressourcen, soziokultureller Hintergrund und Vergangenheit.
Escobedo Soliz is a design – build practice established in 2016 by classmates Pavel Escobedo (Tepic, 1988) and Andres Soliz (Mexico City, 1990). Their practice is based on a continuous exploration and experimentation on materials, structures, construction systems and building techniques in order to find particular solutions for each situation. Always aiming to produce powerful and deep experiences. The specific conditions of each project define their design and construction approach. As a result, their architectural language is not predefined and static but diverse and dynamic. Their projects are the result of a sensible reading and interpretation of the site, program, human resources, material resources, socio – cultural background and memory. Like most young architecture firms in Latin America they face an uncertain present. The crisis of the neoliberal model has a very strong impact on their everyday practice; lack of commissions, unfair market conditions, reduced field of operation and the superficiality in mediatic reproduction are part of this architectural crisis that has forced them to develop a more efficient and affordable way on doing things in order to be competitive in the current market but also very critical through their architecture. Crisis as the emancipatory medium is not a new resource, the construction of a thought aimed at the crisis that, among others, Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno developed, is a very valid way to face the present conditions in order to do more with less; a way to achieve a strong tectonic and sensorial presence In our works while fulfilling client´s limited time and budget. Beauty and sustainably are the result of a logical thinking process that borrows from tradition but also from technology. The increasing need of immediacy from our society and the growing consumption of architecture as a “visual product” based on idealization ask for a critical and contextualized rationality in our architecture based more on the haptic than in the visual fascination.
Outside their office, Pavel and Andrés have a parallel academic practice. They are, since 2016 Associate professors of design studio at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and in 2019 they were invited professors at the Universitá Iuav di Venezia.
The work of Escobedo Soliz Have been published widely (Architectural Record, Arquine, PLOT, FRAME Magazine). The office has won different awards and recognitions since the creation of the firm like the Holcim Awards for sustainable Construction in 2014 and the MoMA Young Architects Program in 2016. Their work has been exhibited at the MoMA in New York, The MAXXI in Rome and the Mexican pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2018 and also for the future Mexican pavilion of the Venice Biennale in 2020. On February 2020 they were awarded Emerging Voices by the Architectural League of New York.